Saturday, January 19, 2008

SBE... Wunderba!!!!

I just finished my SBE Programme yesterday and the experience was very meaningful and beneficial especially for the preparation for practicum next month. I really can't wait going for it.

Going for SBE or School Based Experience has opened up my horizons of the reality of what really happen in schools right now. In UPM and in IPTI I only learned about the theories of how to teach, what to expect, etc in schools, but the visit to the school showed that all these would not necessarily happen.

For example, before this, I expected that students in the first class would be more interesting and easy to teach than students in the last class, but the reality was vice versa. Going to these classes learning how to teach from the experienced teachers, I was surprised to see that students in the last class were more responsive than the students in the first class. They were eager to respond to the teachers and were not afraid or shy to make mistakes unlike the students in the first class. They were reluctant to speak even in their first language, very passive, and showed no interest in participating in the activities done during the lesson.

This implies that I must not be judgmental especially towards the students that I'm going to teach during the practicum session and after I become the real teacher. This experience has indeed made me to be more reflective about myself.

However, the overall experience of going to the school not as a student but as a teacher is something that is not to be forgotten. The teachers and the students are all very friendly and helpful towards me and my other friends. If only we were given a longer time to stay in that school, I'm sure that I'll get to know them better.

The Wonderfrul Moments in SMKK.

menulis kembali....

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Musim mengawan dah tiba!!!!

The title might sound a little bit disgusting, bit that is how I perceive this coming school holiday. Hehehe.... As usual, even before the holiday starts, I have received a stack of wedding invitations and some of them come from my buddies during the school day. Well, it's nothing to be surprised about as we all know that this is the only time where people can get together and for a family full of teachers like me, this is the time that we really like the best in a year.
however, for this year, as one of my brothers is having the SPM exam, we have to wait a bit longer to have our "TRUE" holiday. Apart from attending wedding ceremonies of our relatives and friends, we really hope to have the "Cuti2 Malaysia", at least to go to any interesting place in Johor (that would be the nearest ;p). I think the last place we went for a holiday was the A Famosa Resort, and that was about 2 years ago???? Hmmm.... I really need to persuade my parents to go somewhere this holiday!
As far as I know, next Saturday, one of my primary school friends, Ruziana is getting married and I'm waiting for the invitation card from Zura as she is also getting married this year. I'm really excited about this. I'm counting the number of my friends who have changed their status from being single to being married. What a statistics!
As for me, hmmm... I guess I don't get any signal yet, belum sampai seru! When the time comes, InsyaAllah it will be my turn then. (Hope that it wouldn't be that fast ;p) I just pray that for my friends who have already met their soul mates to get marry as soon as possible. Like people say "baik kawin dpd buat maksiat" hehehe... But then again, this is the question of tepuk dada tanyalah iman....

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Lama dah tak tulis blog...

It has been such a long time since I wrote in this blog. Well, I just feel lazy to write and there is nothing interesting to write either.
Anyway, today is the 15th day of Ramadhan and Alhamdulillah, I manage to go through this fasting season quite successfully. I am grateful that I'm still alive to be given another chance to live this month of rahmat. Hopefully, I will still have the strength and is still alive for another 15 days of his month.
It was in this month that I was born 24 years ago, where I happened to share the same month of birth with my mother. InsyaAllah, this coming 25th Ramadhan I will turn 24 and thus Ramadhan has become a very significant month for me.
There were also other significant events that happened during Ramadhan but I guess they were just too personal to be shared here. I can just say that those events had made me a better person, in the sense that I became more matured especially in making choices and decisions. Although those experiences were sometimes too painful to be remembered, but I was just thankful that I had learned something from them.
A bittersweet of life, I would say. That is how I perceive my life right now. Living it to the fullest regardless of any challenges that I have to face.
Talking about challenges, there is one that is about to come. Just last Monday, I was already informed by my tutor the school that I'm going to go for practicum next year. Frankly speaking, I'm just too excited and at the same time too worried about this "PRACTICUM" thing. I'm excited that finally, after 5 and a half years of studying, I'm going to apply all the theories that I've learned in a real life situation. However, the thing is that I'm worried if I am unable to deliver what I'm supposed to teach effectively to the students. To make thing worse, I'm just too worried about what kind of students I'll be facing and how would they perceive me as their teacher. What if I teach the wrong thing to them? This is really a big question for me to answer and to think about. Imagine what damage I would bring to them if I were to teach the wrong thing to them. I can only pray hard and hope that I'll survive and nothing of such matter happen. Ya Allah... Bantulah hamba-Mu yang lemah ini....
What else? Well, I guess this is enough for now. Hopefully, I'll be a little bit "Rajin" to write in this blog again.

Monday, September 03, 2007

Love as one of the themes in the novel 'The Prisoner of Zenda'

The theme of love is universal and can be included in any story. In 'The Prisoner of Zenda', I think that the theme of love is presented in many ways. It includes the love to one's country, the love for friends, and also the love among the lovers.

The characters in the story like Colonel and () represents the theme of love towards their country. This is because they are willing to trouble themselves in order to serve the King and protect the country from falling into the villains' hands.

For the main character, Rasendyll, he reflects the theme of love for friends as he is willing to help Colonel and the King. He is grateful towards the kindness of his friends that he repays them by replacing the King place during the coronation ceremony in the Kingdom of Zenda.

As for the love among the lovers, I think, it is best displayed by the characters of Rasendyll and Princess Flavia. They love each other very much and thus, Rasendyll is willing to sacrifice himself to help Princess Flavia. However, they do not end up in marriage as Princess Flavia has a duty for her country. For me, her decision of not continuing her relationship with Rudolf shows her love towards her country and this again emphasizes the theme of this novel.

Overall, I think, the theme of love in this novel is very relevant and helps to make this story more interesting.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Back in IPTI

It has been a long time since I write in this blog of mine. Coming back to IPTI, to be recognised as a trainee teacher again is quite challenging. The surrounding here is quite the same as it was 2 years ago, provided that this time I have to stay in Block A which is quite far from the academic block. Why is it challenging? Well, it takes me about 15 minutes to just walk from my room to the class. Upon reaching my destination, I'll be sweating like hell! To make thing worse, the 15 minutes aerobic session before we start our lesson just adds up to the amount of sweat.
Huh! What a day for me.....
However, I am just lucky that this time around, I have Ida@Baby as my room mate. We get along quite well and I really like to share the room with her. I'm also happy that Dhila@Nyot is also staying in the same block as mine. Her room is just opposite of my room and if she wasn't around, my day would be damn boring. (It's a compliment to you Nyot).
What do I hope to get in this final year of my study? Of course I would like to graduate with flying colours and if possible, I would like to get posted in the place of my choice... InsyaALLAH

Thursday, March 29, 2007

The last post for this course

Actually I don't really know what to write in this last post as I already said what I feel in the previous post.

Again, I felt so much relieved as all the burden of coming out with the research paper had all gone. The opportunity of doing this research paper and the proposal paper taught me to do things systematically. The most difficult part was to come out with the most suitable title especially the proposal paper. But, the title actually guided me to come out with relevant information to be included in the paper.

Overall, beside of writing the research and the proposal papers, I felt that this course had helped me a lot in looking at texts that can be taught in literature classroom. Before this, when it comes to literature, I would just think about all the short stories, drama, novels, and poetry, but then when I was introduced to this course, I got to know that biographies, diaries and all those letters can also be part of literary texts. In one way, not only I became interested in literatute, but I could also then motivate my students to also get interested in literature.

I would say that I did enjoy this whole process of completing this course.

Monday, March 26, 2007

yeah... I've submitted my research paper

At last, after struggling for so many weeks, I finished writing my research paper. All points have been elaborated and the implications of the research on education have been included. I finished up writing them as my essay last weekend with all determination that I just could not sleep if I did not finish typing it. Huh... What a relief!

Yesterday, together with the other group members, we submitted our final outcomes to the supervisor. However, not all of us submitted it yesterday but I just could not wait to get rid of it from my sight, that I just submitted it as soon as I could. =)

Now, I think that this would be my last post of the blog regarding the writing of research paper. After this, I might or might not write about it anymore. For the sake of completing this course, this blog in some way had helped me a lot to reflect on the process of writing both proposal and the research papers. It helped me to get on track in the process of writing as each week I had to make sure that I posted one blog and in order to do so I had to work on my work as well. If not, there would be nothing to write in this blog. Even at one stage, I just could not really think of what more to write and reflect. Sometimes, I needed to crack my brain to write what I was supposed to write.

Finally, I'm just feeling glad that I manage to do my works on time. Now the burden has been shifted to my supervisor to check and mark my work. I hope to get what I am supposed to get for the final outcome of this 'hard' work.