Monday, September 03, 2007

Love as one of the themes in the novel 'The Prisoner of Zenda'

The theme of love is universal and can be included in any story. In 'The Prisoner of Zenda', I think that the theme of love is presented in many ways. It includes the love to one's country, the love for friends, and also the love among the lovers.

The characters in the story like Colonel and () represents the theme of love towards their country. This is because they are willing to trouble themselves in order to serve the King and protect the country from falling into the villains' hands.

For the main character, Rasendyll, he reflects the theme of love for friends as he is willing to help Colonel and the King. He is grateful towards the kindness of his friends that he repays them by replacing the King place during the coronation ceremony in the Kingdom of Zenda.

As for the love among the lovers, I think, it is best displayed by the characters of Rasendyll and Princess Flavia. They love each other very much and thus, Rasendyll is willing to sacrifice himself to help Princess Flavia. However, they do not end up in marriage as Princess Flavia has a duty for her country. For me, her decision of not continuing her relationship with Rudolf shows her love towards her country and this again emphasizes the theme of this novel.

Overall, I think, the theme of love in this novel is very relevant and helps to make this story more interesting.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with you that love is one of the themes in the story 'The Prisoner of Zenda'. I think that the love for the country can also be considered as a sense of patriotism. Thus, patriotism can also be considered as another theme in this novel.
I like the spirit of patriotism shown by Colonel Sapt and his friends in helping the King to restore his thrown in the Kingdom of Zenda. He is willing to the extend of sacrificing himself in order to save his country.
I also think that patriotism in 'The Pisoner of Zenda' is also reflected in the character of Princess Flavia. Her sense of responsibility towards the country is evident when she decides to get married to the King although he is not the man she loves. But, for the sake of her country, she sacrifices her feeling.
From these patriotic characters in the story, I believe that the theme of love and patriotism come together in developing their personal traits and thus also give meaning to the story.

8:20 AM  

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