Thursday, February 15, 2007

At last...

After struggling and cracking my brain for weeks, finally... I managed to finish the proposal paper. What a relief... The assignment has been submitted and now I have to crack my brain once more and start to do my research paper.

I had changed my mind about the topic of my research paper. Previously, I decided to write about the issue of feminity in Shirley Lim's novels. However, after a very critical thinking process, I decided to write about how she portrayed the male characters in her novels from her feminist perspective. Actually, I wanted to be different from others who usually write about the female characters and how they are depicted in the story.

I had also met my supervisor, Dr. Jayakaran and presented what I'm going to do for my research paper. He had approved my topic and said that it was interesting. I was relieved and happy that he said so because I could go on with the next stage of writing that paper.

This holiday, I had to prepare the first draft for that paper and sent it to my supervisor after the break. It means that this holiday is not a holiday anymore... Well, there is nothing to be done as this is the life of a student.


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