Sunday, March 19, 2006

What a strory...

Shakespeare Wallah! As the tittle suggests, it is a story of a group of people who were dramatising Shakespeare's plays from one place to another, and in this case, it was set in India.

Frankly speaking, I did not enjoy this film, but because I had to watch it, at least I got the message of this story. I think, the message is about the difficulty that the actors had to face in staging the Shakespearean plays. At that point of time, they had to compete with the emerging of cinemas that obviously attracted more people than the theatre.

If we compare this to the situation in Malaysia, the phenomenon is quite similar. People are more comfortable watching the films in the cinemas rather than going to any theatre. I think, this is because going to the play is always associated with the high class and rich people which I think is quite true. Obviously, the ticket price to watch the play is much more expensive than the price of the movie ticket.

However, after I went trough this course, my own perception has also changed. It was really an exciting experience to be in the theatre. Watching the live performance is totally different from watching any movie in the cinema.

Back to the story "Shakspeare Wallah!", I think that in order for theatre to be more accessible to the public, the promotion needs to be done extensively. Like recently, the theatre "Puteri Gunung Ledang the Musical", it was acclaimed to be very successful due to the fact that the story is interesting and was widely promoted. I hope that I would be a frequent theatre goer provided that I have the money to buy the ticket.


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