Thursday, January 26, 2006

A way of “digesting” Antigone.

Before reading the play ‘Antigone’ by Sophocles, I have read ‘Oedipus the Rex’ and I assumed that the tragic hero in this play would be Antigone.

However, after I have learned about what a tragic hero is and how the character is considered as a tragic hero, I think that Creon is the real tragic hero in the play ‘Antigone’. From what I have learned about Creon, I actually feel a bit sorry for him as he had to face such a blow of fate of losing all members of his family. Thus, he had to pay a very high price for his past arrogance and foolishness.

To make this play meaningful to myself, I associate it with events that happen to one political figure, Joseph Estrada. In a way, he is similar to Creon as his arrogance and foolishness contribute to his downfall. In my opinion, Joseph Estrade might at first considered as the suitable person to rule Philippines, but along the way, he has his own ‘flaw’ of being greedy. His greediness of being willing to take bribe contributes to his failure of winning his people’s hearts. Unlike the case of Creon, he only loses his power and not the entire of his family.

Thinking along this line, after comparing both persons, I have learned to comprehend the play better. This is very useful to me as when I could understand this play, I can talk more and analyse other elements of the play including the characters’ traits and also the theme of the play.

After reading this, I hope that you will have some insight on how to make this play ‘Antigone’ meaningful to yourselves. Enjoy reading…


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